The Last Pit 

The Last Pit 


From the seam to your fire


At the face the coal is hewed with windy picks. 
Hewing in the Little Limestone seam at Ayle Colliery.
Hewing in the Little Limestone seam at Ayle Colliery.


Shovelling coal at the face. Ayle Colliery.
Shovelling coal at the face. Ayle Colliery.
A pan shovel is used to cast the broken coal towards the barrow way.

Roof support 

As the coal is removed wooden props and head trees are erected to hold the top stone. 
Putting in a prop at Ayle Colliery.
Putting in a prop at Ayle Colliery.


Filling tubs in a bord at Ayle Colliery.
Filling tubs in a bord at Ayle Colliery.
The coal is loaded into tubs.


Full tubs are pushed onto the main heading and empties returned to the face. 
Turning a tub on a flatsheet at Ayle Colliery.
Turning a tub on a flatsheet at Ayle Colliery.

The loco road 

Tubs coupled to the loco at Ayle Colliery.
Tubs coupled to the loco at Ayle Colliery.
Full tubs are joined in a set behind an electric loco.

At Bank

The set is drawn to the surface.

Tubs of coal existing the drift mouth at Ayle Colliery.
Tubs of coal existing the drift mouth at Ayle Colliery.

The Tippler 

Working the tippler at Ayle Colliery.
Working the tippler at Ayle Colliery.

The coal is tipped from the tubs and lands on the screens.

On the screens at Ayle Colliery.
On the screens at Ayle Colliery.

The screens 

On the screens the coal is cleaned of stone and sized.

The Washing Plant 

The washing  plant at Ayle Colliery.
The washing plant at Ayle Colliery.
The small coal goes through a process to remove any remaining stone.

The Hoppers 

The processed coal falls into hoppers from where it can be bagged and loaded.
The weighing scale beneath the hopper at Ayle Colliery
The weighing scale beneath the hopper at Ayle Colliery

Getting the coal to you

The Shepherd's Solid Fuels vehicles
The Shepherd's Solid Fuels vehicles
Vehicles for all loads and weathers bring the coal to your door. 

Alston Anthracite 

It burns hot and smoke-free!